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Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation

The Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation (CIPES) is provisionally accredited by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare™ and is comprised of In Situ life support and clinical skills training, simulation and skills labs, and clinical exam rooms located in the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) as well as DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (DCOM) at LMU-Knoxville and Harrogate.

SSH Provisional Accreditation Logo

Mission Statement:

The Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation at Lincoln Memorial University provides students and community members of diverse backgrounds with education, training,
and interdisciplinary collaborative opportunities.

 Approved by CIPES Summer 2023



The Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation at Lincoln Memorial University will enhance the quality of healthcare and patient safety using a wide spectrum of clinical environments in the training and assessment of healthcare students and professionals.

 Approved by CIPES Fall 2022


Strategic Plan:

Please click here to access the 2025-2030 LMU-DCOM CIPES Strategic Plan.


The Center for IPE and Simulation will serve as a central focal point for coordinating and integrating activities in:

  • Interprofessional Education

  • Faculty Development

  • Educational Assessment and Data Analysis

  • Evaluation of Patient-centered Clinical Skills Education

  • One Health

  • Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs)

The Department will also support and collaborate on activities relating to the campus-wide One Health Initiative and Center for Animal and Human Health in Appalachia (CAHA).




Purposeful collaboration between the various educational disciplines at Lincoln Memorial University fosters educational experiences that focuses on the IPEC Competencies:

  • Values/Ethics
  • Roles/Responsibilities
  • Interprofessional Communication
  • Teams & Teamwork

LMU-DCOM incorporates these objectives in its current and future IPE activities:

  • Creating a virtual presence that will allow for asynchronous learning activities, promote interprofessional interactions and allow for one stop programming communication
  • Continued creation of IPE learning activities both curricular and extra-curricular
  • Creating a system for individual programs to account for IPE participation
  • Planning evaluation for all parts of the IPE experience for faculty/staff and students
  • Nurturing leadership qualities that showcase IPC

Lincoln Memorial University Disciplines, Schools and Colleges

CIPES Sites Virtual Video Tours

 Please click on the videos below to learn more about each area.

Harrogate Site


CVM Building Simulation Lab


Knoxville Site


Skills Lab

 Simulation Lab

Clinical Exam Center


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